Help page

It is quite easy to work with ApiaryIn API. Just sign up to get your API key and then call any API. API key must be used in every API call.

How to start in 3 simple steps

1. Sign up and get an API key on your account page.

After registration, click on Api Key menu item and get your key. The key is activated and ready to use.

2. Start using API for free.

Find the complete description of API calls with a list of parameters and examples of responses in API documentation. Use API key in each API call.

3. If you need more features, contact us!

Send your request to

Device registration


POST api/Devices?apiKey={apiKey}

URI Parameters:
Name: ApiKey, Type: string, Required

Body Parameters:
Name: DeviceID, Type: string
Name: HiveID, Type: string
Name: Note, Type: string

 "DeviceID": "2537-1287",
 "HiveID": "Hive 1-01",
 "Note": "Scale measured weight"


HTTP 200 OK: the device is registered with succes
HTTP 401 Unauthorized: appKey is not valid
HTTP 409 Conflict: the device is already registered



POST api/DeviceAlerts?apiKey={apiKey}

URI Parameters:
Name: ApiKey, Type: string, Required

Body Parameters:
Name: DeviceID, Type: string
Name: Alert, Type: string
Name: Date, Type: date

 "DeviceID": "2537-1287",
 "Alert": "Weight dropped by 3 kg! Swarm alert!"
 "Date": "2019-05-11T11:51:07.8262435+03:00"


HTTP 200 OK: the alert is registered with succes
HTTP 401 Unauthorized: appKey is not valid

Measured data


POST api/DeviceDatas?apiKey={apiKey}

URI Parameters:
Name: ApiKey, Type: string, Required

Body Parameters:
Name: DeviceID, Type: string, Required
Name: Weight, Type: collection - Scale measured hive weight
Name: TempExt, Type: collection - External ambient temperature measurement
Name: TempInt, Type: collection - Hive internal temperature
Name: HumInt, Type: collection - Hive internal humidity
Name: HumExt, Type: collection - External ambient humidity measurement
Name: Sound, Type: collection - Sound intensity of bees
Name: Battery, Type: collection - Device internal battery voltage
Name: Signal, Type: collection - Receive signal strength
Name: Power, Type: collection - Device input power voltage (solar panel output voltage)
Name: Date, Type: date, Required

Name: Value, Type: double, Required
Name: Unit, Type: string, Required

"DeviceID": "2537-1287",
"Weight": [
  "Value": 45,
  "Unit": "kg",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 46,
  "Unit": "kg",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"TempExt": [
  "Value": 25,
  "Unit": "Celsius",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 26,
  "Unit": "Celsius",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"TempInt": [
  "Value": 35,
  "Unit": "Celsius",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 38,
  "Unit": "Celsius",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"HumInt": [
  "Value": 58,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 60,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"HumExt": [
  "Value": 78,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 79,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"Sound": [
  "Value": -250,
  "Unit": "db",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": -200,
  "Unit": "db",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"Battery": [
  "Value": 80,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 75
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"Signal": [
  "Value": 80,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 75
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"Power": [
  "Value": 80,
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
  "Value": 75
  "Unit": "%",
  "Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"
"Date": "2019-05-11T11:56:26.9067742+03:00"


HTTP 200 OK: the data is registered with succes
HTTP 401 Unauthorized: appKey is not valid